TECHNE Congress: 11 & 12 January 2018 Flow and Flux

AS part of this year’s Congress, Dr Pratap Rughani presents a paper:
“Flux & Flow in Transnational Art & Identity”.
Dialogues of Difference: exploring the challenges of meeting ‘otherness’ through confronting the histories brought together in South Africa’s Truth & Reconciliation Process.

(Picture Credit: Tim Smith, UAL )

Flow & Flux:
While doctoral research traditionally aims to define, understand and advance a body of knowledge, there are moments when the individual researcher is floating in a constantly changing tide of understanding, caught up in an ebb and flow of unfixed definitions. Through debate, discussion and exhibition the 2018 TECHNE Congress, hosted by the University of the Arts London, will explore the concepts of flow and flux, not only in their wider application to ideas of knowledge but also in terms of their specific relevance to understanding research processes and methodologies.

The TECHNE consortium comprises seven universities in London and the South-East and has approximately 50 AHRC scholarships to award each year across a range of arts and humanities disciplines. Applications are made through the relevant university.